1.What is the difference between Page-Validate and Property-Validate methods?
2.What is difference between Edit validate and Edit Input rules?
3.Where assignments will be stored in pega rules database?
4.Where work objects will be stored ?
5.If I have 3 different work objects in my application, how to store them in three different tables?
6.What is StepStatusGood, StepStatusFail rules?
7. How to make any rule as a favorite to your manager
8. Where can i see the paramater values in the clipboard ( values ..) i am passing one activity to other ?
9. How to import rules using pzinskey
10. Difference between activity and utility
12. Inheritance concept in the pega (rules, class)
13. Performance of our work in the pega is measured using?
14. How to connect to different pega applications?
15. How to store the instance of the class in a specific database
16. Difference between obj-list, rdb-list?
17. How to see values of the local variables of the activity.
18. how can i store the instance of the class in the data base
19. default data table where the instance of the class are store (how it will search ) pc_work
20. In Routing activity what is the default property used to route the object
21. In routing activity if i use workbasket name instead of work list name .. when can i know it is wrong (run time, complile time)
22. Notify
23. ticket: explain any senarion u used
24. table used for add note
25. Default activity used to create work object
26. Different type of flows. Explain in scenario based where u used and worked
27. work object ID.. how to create.. activites ued to create, or methods Work ID:
28. how to send multiple correspondences at a time
29. How to call an Activity from Java Script?
30. how to end the workobject in the activity ( method used to kill the work object)
31. how to call an activity from the java, java script
32. How to pass parameters to the activity using the java, JavaScript?
33. How can I pass page as the parameter to the activity using java, JavaScript?
34. How to call an Activity from Java step?
35. How to get a property value from clipboard using Java step?
36. How to restrict the harness, section to particular user
37. List different functions used to call an activity from java script.
38. How a user’s ruleset list is formed ( the logic )?
39. How to connect external java application without using connect-java
40. Spinoff // split join explain
41. Privileges usage…
42. Decision / fork usage… Scenarios Decision:
43. How to expose the column in the blob… of the database
44.What is a class group?
45.Difference between forke and decision shape
46.Differentiate Obj-Browse and Obj-List-View
47.Differentiate Obj-List-View and Obj-Summary-View
48.Which activity do we use in Obj-List-View to customize the search results
49.What is the use of pyDefault model?
50.Differentiate Decision table, Decision tree, Map value and Map value pair
2.What is difference between Edit validate and Edit Input rules?
3.Where assignments will be stored in pega rules database?
4.Where work objects will be stored ?
5.If I have 3 different work objects in my application, how to store them in three different tables?
6.What is StepStatusGood, StepStatusFail rules?
7. How to make any rule as a favorite to your manager
8. Where can i see the paramater values in the clipboard ( values ..) i am passing one activity to other ?
9. How to import rules using pzinskey
10. Difference between activity and utility
11. Difference between obj-open and obj-open-by-handled
12. Inheritance concept in the pega (rules, class)
13. Performance of our work in the pega is measured using?
14. How to connect to different pega applications?
15. How to store the instance of the class in a specific database
16. Difference between obj-list, rdb-list?
17. How to see values of the local variables of the activity.
18. how can i store the instance of the class in the data base
19. default data table where the instance of the class are store (how it will search ) pc_work
20. In Routing activity what is the default property used to route the object
21. In routing activity if i use workbasket name instead of work list name .. when can i know it is wrong (run time, complile time)
22. Notify
23. ticket: explain any senarion u used
24. table used for add note
25. Default activity used to create work object
26. Different type of flows. Explain in scenario based where u used and worked
27. work object ID.. how to create.. activites ued to create, or methods Work ID:
28. how to send multiple correspondences at a time
29. How to call an Activity from Java Script?
30. how to end the workobject in the activity ( method used to kill the work object)
31. how to call an activity from the java, java script
32. How to pass parameters to the activity using the java, JavaScript?
33. How can I pass page as the parameter to the activity using java, JavaScript?
34. How to call an Activity from Java step?
35. How to get a property value from clipboard using Java step?
36. How to restrict the harness, section to particular user
37. List different functions used to call an activity from java script.
38. How a user’s ruleset list is formed ( the logic )?
39. How to connect external java application without using connect-java
40. Spinoff // split join explain
41. Privileges usage…
42. Decision / fork usage… Scenarios Decision:
43. How to expose the column in the blob… of the database
44.What is a class group?
45.Difference between forke and decision shape
46.Differentiate Obj-Browse and Obj-List-View
47.Differentiate Obj-List-View and Obj-Summary-View
48.Which activity do we use in Obj-List-View to customize the search results
49.What is the use of pyDefault model?
50.Differentiate Decision table, Decision tree, Map value and Map value pair
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